Street Banners in the Gateway


Over the years, more than a dozen different collections of colourful street banners have brightened the Gateway BIA. Each collection features ten to sixteen different designs that share a common motif — half of the designs depict custom artwork while the other half identify the Gateway brand, with its characteristic spirited silhouettes.



 All the collections were designed by Vince Scott of Concept Design and portray themes that are relevant to life in Northern BC, meant to resonate with locals and visitors alike; they include seasonal activities, notable landmarks and the smiling faces of diverse people. These graphic depictions are entirely sourced from original sketches, with only the final versions created in high resolution digital. While each collection is unique in both style and theme, they all share a propensity for simple designs and vivid colours that intentionally stray from a realistic portrayal of the subject matter and instead add a playful vibrance to the neighbourhood. 



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